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As If My Opinion Matters...

If I was to introduce myself with one word it would be this: I am a sinner. Plain and simple. There is no doubt in my mind that yesterday, today, and tomorrow I will consistently fall short of the glory of God. I am a victim of temptation, a slave to self preservation, and a puppet to all things worldly. I consciously choose my will over Gods everyday and then like a fool wonder why my faith hasn't moved a mountain. I have let doubt define my path and withhold me from pursing His. 

So today I am going to step out of the boat. I am tired of being the guy sitting in the pews thinking that I'm never going to be good enough to serve my purpose. That somehow my sin is past the point of redemption and that God's grace doesn't extend as far as my transgressions. Truth be told, I will never be good enough to enter heaven, and I'm not sure that I will ever feel ready. So today I am going to write this post as  if my opinion matters. As if my words can move mountains, because honestly it doesn't matter what value I or anyone else thinks they hold. God knows the truth. Jump out of the boat and see what happens because your opinion matters to Him.  

With that I will leave you with a poem.

                                                                  Amazing Sounds

I can’t ever hear amazing grace,
and make a sweeter sound.
Make a meal fit for your taste
or embrace what some call profound

I wont ever comprehend your glory
or say that I will no longer sin
I confess I don't know every story
and still fight my demons within

I don’t seek you with every struggle
Im content in my comfort zone
I still live inside this little bubble
but I am yours and yours alone

Im still tempted by my passions
and I get lost within myself
I still search for satisfaction
and weigh it out with wealth

I can't sing your hymns on tune
or paint justice to your face
see the outcome or even assume
but in you i find my place

I wont ever surpass my purpose
and will fail time after time
I will wonder if life's really worth it
and half way, want to rewind

I don't read the bible much
and my favorite music isnt gospel
I still lie, I envy and lust
but God still does the impossible

I know I cant do a lot of things
and Im still far from sanctified
No, Amazing Grace I cant sweetly sing
but in heaven i can say i tried


  1. Very inspiring! Please keep adding more of your work. God will bless u for it


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