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Communicating Christianity Effectively

    There are many ways that the Bible is viewed in our culture today. For many, the Bible is an instrument of faith, a resource for encouragement, and a guide to help form answers to questions like; "How did we get here?" "Where do we go after death?" and "Why are we here?" For others however, the Bible is perceived as merely an ancient artifact that simply records the history and spiritual beliefs of what is, to them, a false religion. A famous Atheist by the name of Robert Ingersoll once quoted The inspiration of the Bible depends on the ignorance of the gentleman reading it.” Christians view the Bible as a collection of holy, God inspired texts that help set up the framework of how to live, what we believe, and what shapes one's identity. The Bible says How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping it according to your word.” (Psalm 119:9)

                As Christians, there are many ways to approach a non-believer regarding the Word of God. It is vital to understand and address the fact that there are many different cultures and belief systems that make up the world we live in today. When trying to communicate Christian beliefs it is important to refrain from presenting fallacies and maintaining respect for what may shape another's worldview. We must remember that depending on culture, circumstance, and influence, one's belief in the Bible varies considerably from person to person. Christians must refrain from arguing that the Bible is the Word of God and remain receptive to contrary beliefs in order to better communicate what we view as truth. We need to present our truth and stand behind it while at the same time allowing God to move and work within the soul. There is a famous quote by Charles Spurgeon that says, Defending God is like defending a lion, He doesn't need your help -just unlock the cage” It is important that we as Christians remember to introduce and stand by our truth, in this case that the Bible is the Word of God, without trying to push our perspective onto someone who may not be ready to receive it. We may offer facts and personal insights that have helped shaped our belief in the Word of God, and we can pray that God intervenes. The Bible says, But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.” (1 Peter 3:15)


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